Sunday, April 12, 2015


Pro’s rule of the week:
As we come out of the winter you will see some damage from burrowing animals like mice runs, gopher holes, muskrat holes etc. If you find your stance or intended line of your swing, or your ball is in a hole made by a burrowing animal you may take free relief from any of those conditions. You may pick up your ball and move it to the nearest point that gives you complete relief from the holes or runs, never closer to the hole. Drop your ball from there and play it from where it lies. Always take advantage of the rules when you can!!

1 comment:

commoncents said...

Love the rules of the week! Want to clarify that I can lift the ball and drop without using one or two club lengths....also does the group need to concur with your assessment that the hole is in fact due to a burrowing animal or does one's own assessment suffice? Thanks! Gena