Monday, June 30, 2014

LOW PUTTS - June 25, 2014

Greetings!  We had 39 ladies come out to putter around last Wednesday.  There were some putters that had definitely been sighted in for the round!  We had quite a few ties that had to go to a scorecard playoff.  Congrats to all the eagle-eyed winners last week!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Hey Ladies!  It's getting close to Beauty & the Beast time.  We moved it to July 16th this year.  The sign-up sheet is on the table by the bulletin board.  So grab your favorite HE beast and sign-up soon.  The deadline for signing up is July 9th.

The format is a scramble.  The cost is $50 a couple.  For this event, punch cards WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  Dinner will be served and prizes awarded after golf.   If you have any questions you can contact me and I will be happy to answer them for you!



LOW NET - June 16, 2014

Greetings Ladies!  Well for Low Net last week we had 32 ladies competing.  Some pretty good scores were shot.  Congratulations to the winners!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hello Sun Hills Ladies!

We had an exceptionally successful Member/Guest outing last week.  Amazingly, we didn't get rained out.  This was the second year!  Maybe the tides are turning.  We had 64 ladies in attendance.  This is very close to a record.

We had some wonderful raffle baskets donated by Janice Ventura.  The proceeds of the raffle went to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  Thanks to Janice and her friends for their generosity.

We also combined our annual RALLY FOR THE CURE  with the Member/Guest night.  Thanks to Brenda to taking over the reins from Marian to coordinate this event.  We had some very generous ladies this year.  Between the RALLY and the raffle we were able to donate $1,125 to the Foundation!  Thanks to everyone for supporting the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Our Social Chair, Micheller and her committee extraordinaire, Becky, Kristin, Janice, Jane, Jeannine and Jill, prepared a fantastic meal for us.  The taco salads and all the fixings were out of this world.  Thanks so much for your caring and TLC you put into the evening. sincere apologies for forgetting the camera to record this fantastic event!  Rest assured, I'll make up for it at Beauty and the Beast!  LOL!!

Thanks for being the best league around!  Your support is what keeps us going!


LOW PUTTS - June 4, 2014

Greetings!  My apologies for posting this so late.  However, we did have some mighty good putting  going on for the Low Putts POD.  We had 53 ladies come out and hone their putting skills.  Here are the winners!  Congrats!

Sunday, June 1, 2014