Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014


In the spirit of the last post, this reminder seemed to be appropriate...

The UGA has sent out the membership renewals.  PLEASE have your UGA membership renewed no later than March 31, 2014.  The cost is $32.  You can renew on line or by mail.

If you have NOT received your renewal in the mail, please contact UGA at 801.563.0400.  They will be happy to help you get your membership renewed before league play starts!



After I sent the email last week Mary Jo (THANKS, MJ!) replied and told me that there was no longer the need to multiple list your UGA membership in order to include Sun Hills if it is NOT your home course.  After some phone calls to UGA and other research, I discovered this was true if we were willing to change the way we handle our POD's and handicaps.

We, on the Board, have discussed the pros and cons of changing to this new technology and decided it was a way to greatly improve the "behind the scenes" management of the league.  This is not a change that you will see in anything we do with league management, but we will all benefit from it.  Therefore, you will no longer be required to multiple list your UGA membership to include Sun Hills.

However, if another league you play on requires multiple listing, please check with them before you renew your card to ensure you are not going against any of their policies.

I have revised the registration form on the BLOG to reflect this change, and we will officially change the by-laws at the Opening Social.
Thanks for being such a GREAT league!


Saturday, February 1, 2014