Friday, September 25, 2015


Hello Ladies!

Just a reminder that this coming Wednesday, September 30th, is our last week of organized league play for the 2015 season.  The following week, October 7th, is our Closing Social.  Since we are having Olive Garden cater it this year, we have to have a final count on who will be attending the social by September 30th at the latest!  If you haven't signed up and are planning to attend, please do so by next Wednesday.

If you haven't signed up and can't play our last POD next week, PLEASE COMMENT TO THIS POST and we will add you to the list.

We hope to see you all there.  There is a lot planned for that evening!

Thanks for your support of Sun Hills Ladies!!!

CRYSTAL BALL WITH A TWIST - September 23, 2015

Greetings Sun Hills Ladies!  For such a beautiful fall day it was surprising that we only had 27 ladies come out and "Crystal Ball with a Twist".  I hope that everyone who played enjoyed the day.  I have to mention we have a lady on the league who polished up her "Crystal Ball" and in spite of the "Twist" guessed her score right on the button!  Way to go Zelva!  If you decide to hang up your shingle, I'll be there for your first "reading"!  With that, CONGRATS to everyone with the gift!

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Ladies this is what we will be playing this week for our POD.  Enjoy!!


In response to the question about removing ‘’’loose impediments” from your ball, or near your ball…yes it is perfectly legal to remove anything that is not “fixed or growing” from your ball. Just be very careful when removing a loose impediment from your ball or around your ball, as it is a one stroke penalty if your ball moves while you are removing such impediments.

Also, as we aereate the fairways in the next couple of weeks, you may find your ball nestled down in one of the holes. It is perfectly legal to move your ball out of an aereation hole. Just place it so it is out of the hole. Same for the green aereation.

Thanks for the good question!  Anytime you have a golf question, please comment on any BLOG post and we will get the answer and post it right here!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015



  Call Sun Hills for your t-time for next week!

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Greetings Sun Hills Ladies!

At the Club Championship, Vardell announced that she is “retiring” from the position of President of the league after this season.  Also, Janice Ventura and Michelle Heller will no longer be prize and social chairs.  Karen Mitchell will be able to resume her role as secretary/treasurer.  We can’t thank Debbie Pruett enough for volunteering to fill in for Karen for this season.

Dodie Roberts would like to continue in her roll as tournament chair and Judi Tutorow would like to continue as handicap chair. 

With all that being said, Sun Hills Ladies Golf Association needs a president, social chair and prize chair.

We would like to appeal to everyone on the league to think about stepping in and becoming part of the Sun Hills Ladies Board.  With the new management at Sun Hills, this is a perfect time to implement new ideas and make the league bigger and better!  Mike is ready and willing to work with us to achieve that goal.
So talk it over with your friends and fellow league members.  If you have any questions about the expectations of any of these positions, feel free to contact Vardell or any of the Board.  SHLGA needs you!

Thanks for making Sun Hills Ladies a great league!  And…here’s to a fantastic future!

DOTS & PUTTS - September 9, 2015

Greetings Ladies!

We had 28 ladies come out to play Dots & Putts in the nice September weather!  There was some darn good scoring...lots of dots!  Here are the winners!  Congrats to you!  And thanks to our wonderful league members for coming out and enjoying the September Mystery Plays!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

CLOSING SOCIAL - October 7, 2015


Sadly, the end of the 2015 season is approaching.  As such, we are now beginning to organize our Closing Social.  This year the Closing Social will be held on October 7, 2015.  Mark this date on your calendars.

This year we will be having Olive Garden cater our dinner.  There will be Chicken Marsala, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Salad, Bread Sticks and Dessert.  If anyone who is planning on attending has any special dietary needs, please let us know so we can work with you to accommodate those needs.

Since it is being catered, it is vital that you sign up so we can ensure we order enough food.  The sign up sheet will be on our table Wednesday.  Don't wait - sign up as soon as you can.  And please pass the word to members who don't have access to the BLOG.


ONE WOMAN SCRAMBLE NET - September 2, 2015

Greetings Ladies!  We had 26 ladies come out and scramble with themselves this week.  There were some pretty darn good scores!  Congrats to the winners!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015